Banyak dari kita mungkin sudah terbiasa melihat aksi Thor dengan superpower dan palu nya di film-film buatan Marvel Comics baik di Avengers maupun serial-serial Marvel lainnya. Dari serial-serial film ataupun komik Marvel tersebut, ada banyak pula orang-orang yang menjadi penggemar sejati karakter Thor. Jika anda berdomisili di Indonesia, nikmatilah karya 3d trick art tipuan ilusi mata 3 dimensi yang menggambarkan seolah-olah Thor sedang menjebol tembok rumah makan/restoran.
Gambar imajinasi semacam ini yang tidak akan pernah ditemukan di dunia nyata dapat direalisasikan menjadi kenyataan hanya melalui ilusi tipuan mata 3d trick art. Indonesia Mural dan timnya berdedikasi untuk membuat lebih banyak lagi gambar-gambar ilusi optik seperti di bawah ini. Jadi tunggu apa lagi segera tuangkan ide kamu sehingga bisa direalisasikan dalam bentuk gambar tipuan mata 3 dimensi.
English Version:
Many of us probably already accustomed to seeing the action of a superpower and Thor with his hammer in films made by Marvel Comics in both the Avengers and other Marvel series alike. From serial-serial movies or the comics Marvel, there are many people who become true fans of Thor character. If you live in Indonesia, enjoy works of art hoax trick 3d 3-dimensional optical illusion which describes Thor as if the house were to break down the walls of the dining / restaurant.
Pictures of this kind of imagination that will never be found in the real world can be realized become a reality only through the illusion of 3D illusion trick art. Indonesia Mural and his team are dedicated to making more images like optical illusions below. So what are you waiting soon pour your idea so that it can be realized in the form of an optical illusion of 3-dimensional image.
Pictures of this kind of imagination that will never be found in the real world can be realized become a reality only through the illusion of 3D illusion trick art. Indonesia Mural and his team are dedicated to making more images like optical illusions below. So what are you waiting soon pour your idea so that it can be realized in the form of an optical illusion of 3-dimensional image.

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