Kini restoran Sushi Tei yang memiliki cabang di Mal Puri Indah Extension, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat punya salah satu hiburan baru untuk teman-teman pencinta seni tipuan mata 3d trick art. Ya, benar sekali telah hadir sebuah photobooth yang dapat digunakan untuk menciptakan efek ilusi optik di salah satu cabang Sushi Tei ini. Melalui kehadiran photobooth ini, maka kini ada satu lagi atraksi hiburan yang dapat dinikmati secara gratis bersama karya 3d trick art.
Berkat kerjasama dengan Sushi Tei Puri Indah Mall, kini karya lukisan 3d tipuan mata trick art dapat dinikmati oleh semakin banyak khalayak umum. Para pengunjung dapat berinteraksi dengan berbagai macam pose sesuai kreativitas masing-masing di depan gambar 3d trick artyang satu ini. Salah satu pose yang paling menarik tentu saja adalah berpura-pura menerima sushi raksasa yang sedang diberikan oleh Chef sushi di toko Sushi Tei.
3d trick art yang satu ini mungkin sekilas terlihat sederhana, tetapi cobalah sendiri mampir ke Mall Puri Indah Extension, Puri Kembangan, Jakarta Barat untuk merasakan sendiri bagaimana gambar yang seolah-olah terlihat "sederhana" ini mampu memberikan dinamika dalam mengambil foto secara menarik bagi anda dan para pengunjung. Photobooth 3d trick art ini menjadi menarik untuk berfoto bersama keluarga anda karena dapat merasakan keadaan-keadaan yang sulit terjadi di dunia nyata menjadi dapat dilakukan di dunia foto. Pengambilan sudut angle kamera yang tepat serta dikombinasikan dengan kreativitas pengunjung dalam mengambil pose merupakan kunci utama dari kesuksesan berfoto bersama gambar ilusi foto tiga dimensi 3d trick art yang satu ini.
English Version:
Now the restaurant Sushi Tei which has branches in Puri Indah Mall Extension, Kembangan, West Jakarta has a new entertainment for art lovers friends optical illusion 3d trick art. Yes, it once had been attending a photobooth which can be used to create an optical illusion effect in one branch of Sushi Tei this. Through the presence of this photobooth, so now there is another one entertainment attractions that can be enjoyed free of charge along with the work of art 3d trick.
Thanks to cooperation with Sushi Tei Puri Indah Mall, is now painting 3d optical illusion trick art can be enjoyed by the more general audience. The visitors can interact with a variety of poses according their individual creativity in front of the 3D image artyang trick this one. Pose one of the most interesting of course is pretending to receive a giant sushi that is being given by the sushi chef at stores Sushi Tei.
3d trick art that this one might at first glance seem simple, but try it yourself to stop by the Mall Puri Indah Extension, Puri Kembangan, West Jakarta to feel for themselves how the image as if seen "modest" is able to provide dynamic in taking images of interest to you and the visitors. Photobooth 3d art trick is to be interesting to take pictures with your family because it can feel difficult circumstances that occur in the real world can be performed in the photo world. Making the right camera angle angle combined with the creativity of visitors in taking the pose is the key of success image photographed with the illusion of three-dimensional images 3d art trick this one.
Thanks to cooperation with Sushi Tei Puri Indah Mall, is now painting 3d optical illusion trick art can be enjoyed by the more general audience. The visitors can interact with a variety of poses according their individual creativity in front of the 3D image artyang trick this one. Pose one of the most interesting of course is pretending to receive a giant sushi that is being given by the sushi chef at stores Sushi Tei.
3d trick art that this one might at first glance seem simple, but try it yourself to stop by the Mall Puri Indah Extension, Puri Kembangan, West Jakarta to feel for themselves how the image as if seen "modest" is able to provide dynamic in taking images of interest to you and the visitors. Photobooth 3d art trick is to be interesting to take pictures with your family because it can feel difficult circumstances that occur in the real world can be performed in the photo world. Making the right camera angle angle combined with the creativity of visitors in taking the pose is the key of success image photographed with the illusion of three-dimensional images 3d art trick this one.
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